South African Lodges

AA Lodge Masai Mara

AA Lodge Masai Mara Reviews & Information

Use the drop down below to find out more information about AA Lodge Masai Mara.

Below detailed information about the AA Lodge Masai Mara is available.
For any queries regarding this hotel, you are welcome to contact us.


Check in and Check Out Times
  • Check in: 11:00
  • Check out: 10:00
General Services
  • Airport transfers
  • Housekeeping service
  • Tours & Transfers on Request

Available Rooms


The Cottages at the AA Lodge Masai Mara are comfortably furnished with convenient features and amenities.


GPS Co-Ordinates

Latitude: -1.58116532950862

Longitude: 35.2472895383835


The nearest airstrip is Serena Airstrip, Serena, Kenya and is just under two hours away being 71km from AA Lodge Masai Mara
Leaving the airport road get to the main road T-junction
then turn left where you will continue for a kilometre to get onto E176 (which is left at the fork) where you will continue for 49km
At the T-junction turn left onto the C12 where you will travel for 19 kilometres. You will pass by Hot Air Safaris (on the right in 15.0 km)


On site parking facilities are provided for guests.

Star Rating

3 Star